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| | P | ID | # | Category | Severity | Status | Updated | Summary |
| | normal | 0000319 | 1 | [MFFE] total power | minor | feedback (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 06-03-25 | Total power 4X unstable at a 10-20% level |
| | normal | 0000320 | 1 | [MFFE] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | feedback (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 06-03-25 | RT4 mffe016 UHFhigh antenna gets stuck. |
| | urgent | 0000318 | 1 | [DZB] serial links | crash | feedback (Sjouke Zwier) | 06-03-25 | Correlated data badly affected by serial link problem COR0 SEG0 RCVR4 |
| | normal | 0000199 | 2 | [submission] front-end | major | feedback (Hans van der Marel) | 06-03-25 | System temperature at L-band is way above what is expected |
| | normal | 0000160 | 6 | [RT] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | feedback (Hans van der Marel) | 06-03-25 | At 92cm the Ampls of BY*Y(MFFE-13) are low in band0-6 |
| | high | 0000293 | 2 | [MFFE] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | feedback (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 06-03-25 | The TPs of 4X,4Y and the Ampls of 4X*X,4Y*Y are unstable in all bands and at all frequencies. |
| | normal | 0000306 | 1 | [MFFE] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | feedback (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 06-03-25 | The cryo-temperature of RTD(MFFE-09) is high and unstable. |
| | normal | 0000307 | 1 | [MFFE] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | feedback (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 02-03-25 | On RT0/MFFE-15 there is the LO locking problem at 92cm, intermittent. |
| | normal | 0000394 | 3 | [RT] 0.unknown/unspecified | minor | feedback (Peter Gruppen) | 29-01-25 | There is the position error at the HA direction on RT1. |
| | normal | 0000371 | 2 | [MFFE] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | feedback (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 29-01-25 | At 3.6cm there are no Ampls of the cross correlations with 0X,0Y(MFFE-16). |
| | normal | 0000216 | 4 | [TMS]
| minor | feedback (Arno Schoenmakers) | 29-01-25 | Wrong value filled into the Measurement Set Feed table parameter SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID |
| | high | 0000057 | 3 | [RT] spacing/position | major | feedback (Jan Pieter de Reijer) | 28-01-25 | RT0: Position Error in HA |
| | normal | 0000161 | 343 | [CNI] 0. unknown/ unspecified | major | feedback (Hans Weggemans) | 16-01-25 | The bad ifrs with configuration of 1 band,2 polars,512ch,BW=1.25MHz |
| | normal | 0000418 | 211 | [IVC/ADC] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | feedback (Juergen Morawietz) | 26-12-24 | The TP of band2,1X is unstable. |
| | normal | 0000427 | 407 | [IVC/ADC] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | feedback (Juergen Morawietz) | 26-12-24 | The RTC is not stable. |
| | low | 0000067 | 796 | [IVC/ADC] 0.unknown/unspecified | minor | feedback (Hans Weggemans) | 26-12-24 | RFI in autocorr AX & AY in 1 band lineobservations (LBand) |
| | normal | 0000109 | 1 | [submission] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | feedback | 13-11-24 | The TP of DX(MFFE-13) is unstable. |
| | normal | 0000388 | 3 | [MFFE] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | feedback (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 13-11-24 | At 92cm,21cm,6cm the ampls of *YCY(RTC/MFFE-04) are low in all bands. |
| | high | 0000329 | 118 | [DZB] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | feedback | 05-11-24 | Baseline dependent gain errors (closure errors) |
| | urgent | 0000381 | 829 | [MFFE] power supply | crash | feedback | 05-11-24 | There was the problem on the power supply of the cryo LNA on the RT6/MFFE-15 |
| | normal | 0000301 | 257 | [CNI] 0. unknown/ unspecified | minor | feedback (Pieter Donker) | 27-10-24 | The sms to the bedroom for the VLBI doesn't work. |
| | normal | 0000167 | 124 | [CNI] 0. unknown/ unspecified | major | feedback (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 27-10-24 | The TPs of 2X,2Y(MFFE-04) are unstable |
| | normal | 0000162 | 125 | [CNI] 0. unknown/ unspecified | minor | feedback (Jan Pieter de Reijer) | 27-10-24 | RTA position error in the Dec |
| | urgent | 0000044 | 5 | [Time/LO] LO distribution | block | feedback (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 14-09-24 | No correlated data from RT9 |
| | immediate | 0000048 | 3 | [submission] 0.unknown/unspecified | crash | feedback (Bert Woestenburg) | 14-09-24 | Airco failure |
| | normal | 0000376 | 1 | [DZB] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | feedback (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 03-08-24 | There is no TP on Band4,9Y. |
| | high | 0000049 | 4 | [TMS]
| major | feedback (Hans van Someren Greve) | 11-11-23 | No observations are possible with more than 2048 channels per IVC band |
| | high | 0000426 | 2 | [IVC/ADC] ADC | major | resolved (Sjouke Zwier) | 17-09-13 | The problem on ADC07 |
| | normal | 0000428 | | [MFFE] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | assigned (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 11-09-13 | At Lband the TP of 7Y is unstable and the problem comes from the MFFE-09 on RT7. |
| | normal | 0000419 | | [DZB] correlator board | major | feedback (Sjouke Zwier) | 28-11-12 | There are problems in the correlator. |
| | normal | 0000420 | | [MFFE] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | assigned (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 21-11-12 | On MFFE-09/RT8 there is the strong local RFI in the MFFE-09 on Y channel at the sky frequency 1200MHz. |
| | normal | 0000417 | | [IVC/ADC] 0.unknown/unspecified | minor | assigned (Hans van der Marel) | 09-11-12 | Albert Bos has changed the DZB software in such a way that RT5 is not addressed any more in the IVC. |
| | normal | 0000414 | | [MFFE] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | assigned (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 30-10-12 | 9X(MFFE-07) doesn't work at 3.6cm |
| | normal | 0000412 | | [MFFE] 0.unknown/unspecified | minor | testing (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 02-10-12 | Sometimes the RT8/MFFE-12 failed to work at 6cm for unknown reason. |
| | normal | 0000409 | | [IVC/ADC] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | resolved (Sjouke Zwier) | 17-07-12 | the problem of band5,DY |
| | normal | 0000410 | | [DZB] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | assigned (Sjouke Zwier) | 12-07-12 | There is the problem from the correlator |
| | normal | 0000408 | 1 | [DZB] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | testing (Sjouke Zwier) | 12-07-12 | 8Y band 0 huge TP drops. Quite often. |
| | high | 0000404 | | [RT] pointing | crash | resolved (Hans van der Marel) | 12-07-12 | The pointing offset on RT0 |
| | high | 0000406 | | [MFFE] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | resolved (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 12-07-12 | RTC No correlated data for CY on 92,13,50,UHFHigh. L-band and 6cm are ok. |
| | normal | 0000405 | 1 | [DZB] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | resolved (Sjouke Zwier) | 12-07-12 | The bad serial link problem |
| | high | 0000407 | 1 | [MFFE] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | resolved (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 11-06-12 | RTD no correlated signal and no TP at L-band. |
| | normal | 0000402 | | [MFFE] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | resolved (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 02-05-12 | The TP of DX(MFFE-02) is unstable at 6cm(droped down sometimes), intermittent. |
| | normal | 0000398 | 2 | [IVC/ADC] ADC | major | resolved (Sjouke Zwier) | 08-03-12 | The problem in the ADC |
| | normal | 0000367 | | [MFFE] 0.unknown/unspecified | minor | testing (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 06-03-12 | The phases of 6X,6Y(MFFE-15) are unstable, intermittent. |
| | normal | 0000313 | | [MFFE] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | testing (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 06-03-12 | At 18cm there is LO problem on MFFE-07/RTC, intermittent. |
| | normal | 0000290 | 1 | [MFFE] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | testing (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 06-03-12 | The TP of 6X(MFFE-02) is unstable in all bands at 6cm, intermittent. |
| | normal | 0000133 | | [RFI] 0.unknown/unspecified | minor | testing (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 06-03-12 | The local RFI at 13cm on RTB. |
| | normal | 0000288 | | [MFFE] 0.unknown/unspecified | minor | testing (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 06-03-12 | B0: 6Y autocor. plots RFI spikes every 0.5 MHz at ~ 1614 MHz |
| | high | 0000296 | 2 | [RT] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | testing (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 06-03-12 | RT7 often no correlated signal. Probably a bad LO cable. |
| | normal | 0000328 | 1 | [DZB] 0.unknown/unspecified | major | progressing (Harm-Jan Stiepel) | 06-03-12 | At Lband the Ampls of cross-correlations CY*Y dropped out sometimes in all bands, intermittent. |
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