Welcome to LOFAR Imaging Cookbook’s documentation!¶
This web site can also be downloaded as a pdf LOFARImagingCookbook_latest.pdf
- Introduction to LOFAR computing facilities
- Data inspection
- AOFlagger
- The Default Pre-Processing Pipeline (DPPP)
- Gain calibration with DPPP
- LoSoTo: LOFAR Solution Tool
- The WSClean Imager
- Source detection and sky model manipulation: PyBDSF and LSMTool
- Factor: Facet Calibration for LOFAR
- Useful resources
- Calibration with BBS
- Sky Model Construction Using Shapelets
- Running LOFAR imaging pipelines using Docker/Singularity
- LOFAR Unified Calculator for Imaging (LUCI)
- The AW Imager
- Practical examples
- Acknowledgements
- Changelog