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    PID # CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
minorresolved (Jan Pieter de Reijer)09-09-08HE leakage in RT0
majorresolved (Bert Woestenburg)08-09-08Failed observation due to resetting MFFEs
blockresolved (Jan Pieter de Reijer)22-08-08During weekend RT8 was not on position HA & Decl.
majorresolved (Jan Pieter de Reijer)21-08-08No LFFE amplitude on cross correlations
minorresolved (Jan Pieter de Reijer)18-08-08RT3: Mechanical Decl. switch remained in 'maak-positie'
majorresolved (Jan Pieter de Reijer)12-08-08RT0: Position Error in HA
  [ First Prev 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last ]


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bandwidth character of RFI LFFE MFFE MFFE-band multi-subarray nr channels nr polarisations
any any any any any any any any
nr subbands polarisation recirculation RFI bandwidth (MHz) RFI frequency (MHz) RT sky frequency (MHz) sub-band
any any any any any any any any
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