For each field, we release a mosaic image in the FITS format and the corresponding source catalog in CSV format. 

The following figure shows the mosaic image and the noise map of the Boötes field

Figure 1: Figure 2. Bootes field.

The mosaic image is shown in the left panel and the noise map is shown in the right panel of this figure. The angular resolution of the mosaic image is 27x11''. The local noise varies over the image between 25 and 50 uJy/beam, with a median value of 40 uJy/beam.

As an example, below the catalog table for this field is shown:

The column designations of the catalog table are as follows:

Column (1): Apertif source name; Cols. 2 and 4: RA and Dec;  Cols. 3 and 5: RA and Dec errors; Cols. 6 and 8: Total and peak flux density; Cols. 7 and 9: Integrated and peak flux density uncertainties;
and Cols. 10, 12, and 14: Deconvolved major and minor source size and position angle. A source size value 0.0 means that the PSF cannot be deconvolved from the fitted source along the given axis, and the corresponding uncertainty represents an upper size-limit estimate. The position angle is given in degrees ranging from --90 to 90 deg west to east through north. When both major and minor sizes are given as 0.0, the position angle is omitted. Columns 11, 13, and 15: Uncertainties of the major and minor source size and position angle; Col. (16): Local background noise rms; and Col. (17): Source type as classified by PyBDSF, with 'S' as an isolated source fitted with a single Gaussian; 'C' as sources that were fit by a single Gaussian, but are within an island of emission that also contains other sources, and 'M' as sources fit with multiple Gaussians. 

The data can be found at

  • No labels


  1. The release contains mosaic image in the FITS format and the corresponding source catalog in CSV format. 

    The following figure shows the mosaic image and the noise map.

    The column designations of the catalog table are as follows:

    Column (1): Apertif source name; Cols. 2 and 4: RA and Dec;  Cols. 3 and 5: RA and Dec errors; Cols. 6 and 8: Total and peak flux density; Cols. 7 and 9: Integrated and peak flux density uncertainties;
    and Cols. 10, 12, and 14: Deconvolved major and minor source size and position angle. A source size value 0.0 means that the PSF cannot be deconvolved from the fitted source along the given axis, and the corresponding uncertainty represents an upper size-limit estimate. The position angle is given in degrees ranging from --90 to 90 deg west to east through north. When both major and minor sizes are given as 0.0, the position angle is omitted. Columns 11, 13, and 15: Uncertainties of the major and minor source size and position angle; Col. (16): Local background noise rms; and Col. (17): Source type as classified by PyBDSF, with 'S' as an isolated source fitted with a single Gaussian; 'C' as sources that were fit by a single Gaussian, but are within an island of emission that also contains other sources, and 'M' as sources fit with multiple Gaussians. 

  2. I don't see a link to the catalogue and images....Table 1 of the paper could be shown also here.