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The parsets produced by MoM and TMSS are slightly different, though both corresponding to the parset definition. These changes apply to observation, station and pipeline parsets. If you make use of the parsets, please make sure your program still works as expected.

In particular be aware of these changes:

Structuring of the document

TMSS: alpha.beta.gamma.keyword = value
MoM: alpha.beta.gamma.keyword=value

Perhaps some keywords are in a different group or in two groups (alpha.beta.gamma.keyword and beta.gamma.keyword) .

New IDs for the new programs

momID and otdbID. no longer exists
Instead use Observation.tmssID or still Observation.ObsID.
This is the ID for te Lxxxxx number in the observations.

Observations start with 2000000 and are thus one digit longer.

Indicating values as True/False

TMSS uses True/False
MoM uses true/false
Parset allows a wider variety

TMSS: alpha.beta.gamma.keyword = True
MoM: alpha.beta.gamma.keyword=true
Parset definition: First character is in (T,t,Y,y,1)

TMSS: alpha.beta.gamma.keyword = False
MoM: alpha.beta.gamma.keyword=false
Parset definition: First character is in (F,f,N,n,0)

Denoting strings

TMSS doesn't use quotation marks everywere.

TMSS: CorrAppl.extraInfo = [PIC,Cobalt]
MoM: CorrAppl.extraInfo=["PIC","Cobalt"]

TMSS: CorrAppl.processes = [CorrProc]
MoM: CorrAppl.processes=["CorrProc"]