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Fig. 1

Fig. 1. The status of the LoTSS observations as of April 2021 and the approximate current sensitivity coverage (accounting for station projection and typical sensitivities achieved to date) overlaid on the Haslam et al. (1982) 408 MHz all-sky image (corresponding to yellow to deep red colours, with associated contours). The yellow and black outlines show the LoTSS-DR1 and LoTSS-DR2 areas respectively and the small black dots show the 3168 LoTSS grid positions. LoTSS-DR1 included 63 pointings, LoTSS-DR2 includes 841 pointings; we have fully observed 1623 pointings including those of DR2, a further 154 pointings are partly observed and observations still need to be conducted for 1391 pointings to complete the survey.


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Fig. 2 The noise variations in the two regions covered by LoTSS-DR2 with the coverage of the 841 individual pointing outlined. The RA-13 (left) and RA-1 (right) regions span 4178 and 1457 square degrees and have median rms values of 74μJy/beam and 106μJy/beam respectively. Failed facets (white regions) are generally caused by either poor ionospheric conditions or dynamic range issues around bright sources such as 3C 48 and 3C 196.
