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To process the `Pre-processed' (flagged and averaged) data they are first ‘staged’ in the LTA; staging is the procedure of copying data from tape to disk and is necessary to make the large archived datasets available for transfer to a compute cluster. The data are then processed with a direction independent (DI) calibration pipeline that is executed on compute facilities at Forschungszentrum Jülich and SURF (see Mechev et al. 2017 and Drabent et al. 2019). These compute clusters are connected to the local LTA sites with sufficiently fast connections to mitigate the difficulties that would be experienced if we were to download these large datasets to external facilities. Unfortunately data transfer issues are not yet fully mitigated as we currently do not process data on a compute cluster local to the Pozna ́n archive and instead we copy these data (6% of LoTSS-DR2) to Forschungszentrum Jülich or SURF for processing.

Direction independent calibration

The DI calibration pipelineused for this data processing follows the same procedure as that used in LoTSS-PDR and LoTSS-DR1 (Shimwell et al. 2019). This method is described in van Weeren et al. (2016) and Williams et al. (2016) and makes use of several software packages including the Default Pre-Processing Pipeline (DP3; van Diepen, Dijkema, & Offringa 2018), LOFAR SolutionTool (LoSoTo; de Gasperin et al. 2019) and AOFlagger (Offringa, van de Gronde, & Roerdink 2012). The pipeline corrects for direction independent errors such as the clock offsets between different stations, ionospheric Faraday rotation, the offset between XX and YY phases and amplitude calibration solutions (see de Gasperin et al. 2019 for a detailed description of these effects). The Scaife & Heald (2012) flux density scale is used for the amplitude calibration and we use TGSS-ADR1 sky modelsof our target fields for an initial phase calibration, although both the amplitude and phase calibration are refined during subsequent processing. For regular LoTSS processing we have set up the pipeline to reduce the data volume, typically by a factor of 64 by averaging both in time and frequency. This is because the archived LoTSS data typically have a frequency resolution of 16 channels per 0.195 MHz subband and a time resolution of 1 s to facilitate future studies with the international LOFAR stations as well as spectral and time dependent studies, but such high time and frequency resolution data is not required for 6′′imaging. During the DI calibration the data are therefore averaged to a frequency resolution of 2 channels per 0.195 MHz subband and a time resolution of 8 s.
