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Service nameTypeTable nameService descriptionService info
ADQL QuerysystemN/AThis provides a form that can be used to perform ADQL queries and get results in different (no columns)
LBCS Calibrator Searchcataloguelbcs.mainCatalog of calibrators from the Long-Baseline Calibrator Survey (LBCS).info
LoLSS - Image Cutout Serviceimage cutoutlolss.mosaicCutouts from the images of the LOFAR LBA Sky Survey (LoLSS).
LoLSS source catalogcataloguelolss.source_catalogSource catalogue of the LOFAR LBA Sky Survey (LoLSS).info
LoTSS-DR1 Cross-Matched Source Cataloguecatalogue


Catalogue of radio sources from the Lofar Two-metre Sky Survey First Data Release (LoTSS-DR1) that have been cross-matched with an optical or infrared
LoTSS-DR1 Image Archiveimagehetdex.hetdex_imagesImages of the Lofar Two-metre Sky Survey First Data Release (LoTSS-DR1).info
LoTSS-DR1 Image Cutout Serviceimage cutouthetdex.hetdex_imagesCutouts from the images of the Lofar Two-metre Sky Survey First Data Release (LoTSS-DR1).info
LoTSS-DR1 Raw Radio Catalogue Cone Searchcataloguehetdex.mainCatalogue of radio sources from the Lofar Two-metre Sky Survey First Data Release (LoTSS-DR1).
LoTSS-PDR Image Archiveimagelofartier1.img_mainImages of the Lofar Two-metre Sky Survey Preliminary Data Release (LoTSS-PDR).info
LoTSS-PDR Image Cutout Serviceimage cutoutlofartier1.img_mainCutouts from the images of the Lofar Two-metre Sky Survey Preliminary Data Release (LoTSS-PDR).info
LoTSS-PDR Source Cataloguecataloguelofartier1.mainCatalogue of radio sources from the Lofar Two-metre Sky Survey Preliminary Data Release (LoTSS-PDR).info
M) Apertif DR1 - Continuum imagesimageapertif_dr1.continuum_imagesContinuum images of the Apertif First Data Release (Apertif DR1).info
M) Apertif DR1 - HI spectral cubescubeapertif_dr1.spectral_cubesHI spectral cubes of the Apertif First Data Release (Apertif DR1).info
M) Apertif DR1 - Polarization images and cubesimage/cubeapertif_dr1.pol_cubesStokes V image and Stokes Q and U cubes of the Apertif First Data Release (Apertif DR1).info
MSSS Verification Field Imagesimagemvf.msssvf_img_mainBoth LBA and HBA images from the Multifrequency Snapshot Sky Survey (MSSS) verification field.
MSSS Verification Field Sourcescataloguemvf.mainUnified source catalogue from the Multifrequency Snapshot Sky Survey (MSSS) verification
S) Apertif DR1 - Field calibrated visibilitiescatalogueapertif_dr1.calibrated_visibilitiesCatalogue of the properties from the calibrated visibilities of the fields from the Apertif First Data Release (Apertif DR1).info
S) Apertif DR1 - Field raw visibilitiescatalogueapertif_dr1.raw_visibilitiesCatalogue of the properties from the raw visibilities of the fields from the from the Apertif First Data Release (Apertif DR1).info
S) Apertif DR1 - Flux calibrator raw visibilitiescatalogueapertif_dr1.flux_cal_visibilitiesCatalogue of the properties from the calibrated visibilities of the flux calibrators from the Apertif First Data Release (Apertif DR1).info
S) Apertif DR1 - Pol. calibrator raw visibilitiescatalogueapertif_dr1.pol_cal_visibilitiesCatalogue of the properties from the calibrated visibilities of the polarisation calibrators from the Apertif First Data Release (Apertif DR1).info
SAURON HI Survey Imagesimagesauron.mom0Images of the SAURON WSRT HI
SAURON HI Survey Velocity Fieldsimagesauron.mainVelocity field images of the SAURON WSRT HI
TGSSADR Image Archiveimagetgssadr.img_mainImages of the TIFR GMRT Sky Survey Alternative Data Release (TGSS ADR).info
TGSSADR Image Cutout Serviceimage cutouttgssadr.img_mainCutouts from the images of the TIFR GMRT Sky Survey Alternative Data Release (TGSS ADR).info
TGSSADR Source Cataloguecataloguetgssadr.mainCatalogue of the radio sources in the TIFR GMRT Sky Survey Alternative Data Release (TGSS ADR).info
The VO @ ASTRON TAP servicesystem


(info only): description on how to access the tables using the TAP (no columns)
Apertif DR1 beam cubes (table only, no service)
apertif_dr1.beam_cubesBeam cubes from the Apertif First Data Release (Apertif DR1), no connected service but accessible via TAP and linked from the other Apertif DR1 tables through DataLink.N/A

Data access through


DaCHS interface

The DaCHS system comes with a web view on the services offered. Even though the interface is somewhat rudimentary, it does offer the relevant functionality to query data in the ASTRON VO. The main page, listing all services (as listed in the table above) can be fount at . Specific services are linked to that (either by clicking on the name of the collection, or the Q icon net to it.

Selecting a data collection allows the user to perform a cone search through a webform (Fig. 401). The result is either a source or Gaussian list, or a table of data products of that given class overlapping a given pointing. The size of the continuum images as well as the cubes extend beyond the 10% primary beam level for cleaning the secondary lobes of bright offset sources. To ensure that the search is done in the area of maximum sensitivity the search is performed on a maxim radius of 0.75 degrees from the center (this represents the average value of where the sensitivity drops). This value can be modified using the Max distance from center. A different output with respect to the default can be customized using More output fields selection button.


Fig. 40 1 Query search form for continuum images.
