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In the column Related products another link connects to a page containing a list of links to additional related data that can be useful to interpret or reanalyze that given product, for which a preview is provided (Fig. 42).

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Fig. 41 Result of an image search query. Click for a bigger image.

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Fig. 42 Links to data products related to the target of interest. The top two items represent the primary data product (ie the one that can be directly downloaded from the table view) and a link to the thumbnail of that data product. The other products are the anciliary data. Click for a bigger image. Note that the number of related products is too long to fit readably in a single screen shot.

Some data products are directly accessible, in which case the link on this table will initiate a direct download. However, the larger (and rawer) data products are stored on tape (in which case the text 'on tape' appears in the description). The link will then bring you to the entry of the corresponding pointing in the SURF Data repository (Fig. 43/1). If data is on tape, the status is either "online", in which case it can be downloaded by pressing the "Download" button, or "offline" in which case it can be requested to be put online by pressing the "Request" button. Please note that you need to be logged in to perform the request. If a request has been correctly performed, the status of the file will change to "staging" unill it becomes "online". 
