Changelog ========= The latest released version of the cookbook is available `online `_. The LOFAR software is continuously improving and, as a consequence, several procedures (and the cookbook itself) continuously change. In the following, we report an overview of the (recent) major changes applied to the manual. -------------------------------- Overview of recent major changes -------------------------------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Version 24.0 (2020/01/08) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + Chapter "LOFAR Unified Calculator for Imaging (LUCI)" added ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Version 23.3 (2019/06/24) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + Chapter "Running LOFAR pipelines inside Docker" updated for singularity, lofar 4, and prefactor 3.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Version 23.0 (2018/04/11) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + Chapter "Running LOFAR pipelines inside Docker" added ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Version 22 (2018/01/10) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + Converted source from LATEX to reStructuredText. + Removed now-obsolete appendix on "Automated self-calibration" and "GNU Screen" + Replaced all "use" to "module load". + Replaced DSA with RSA in generating SSH keys. + Added a new section on generating skymodels from TGSS-ADR. + Added a section on drawer to Data Inspection.